Photography by Conrad Yung
Its been said time and time again, but time is really a very peculiar thing. You either have too much or not enough of it. You wait for ages and it goes by so fast. Case in point, graduation. With great pleasure, I am pleased to announce that I have finally GRADUATED from high school! Cheers, freedom, liberation. Graduation is funny, it was a moment that I had been waiting seven years for and it went by in a flash. With that being said, I wouldn't have traded graduation from anything in the world. Well maybe James Franco. So I've finally had enough time of high school. However, I've also had enough time off blogging. Its no secret that I've been absent from the blogosphere for about a month, citing exams as the main cause. Now that they're done and dusted, I can't wait to get back to html formatting, photoshop curving and general shooting. Thus with the discussion of time, I'm rewinding back to the time we took these photos.
Conrad shot these on our last week of school. Our last week of school had different costume themes for each day. This was taken on 'throwback thursday', and I, seeing my obsessive fascination with the era that entered through the birth canal, threw back to my homegurl best friends Cher and Dionne of Clueless, a.k.a pure 90's heaven. I actually had a white button up layered underneath but I took it off because it was scorching hot and I wanted to show a more 'me' side to the look. Ultimately, while my high school experience did not include a 'tai-inspired makeover', it did spark my lifelong obsession with knee highs and plaid. So in true Cher fashion, AS IF HIGH SCHOOL.
PS: These photos were taken a while ago so my hair is no longer this length. Goodbye blanket. And yes, brace yourselves, prom pics are coming xoxo. Also feedback on the new font would be nice.