Photography by Nicole |
Hi everyone, nat checking in. So its been a while since I last published on here and I thought I would explain why and whats happened.
Needless to say, I took a hiatus because simply put, I wasn't happy with my blog. Its not that I wasn't proud of what I'd done or the opportunities it had provided me, but it was more so that I wasn't satisfied with the content I was uploading. When I started this blog back in high school, 'Crashingfashionshouse' was a way for me to express myself on a public platform, and at the time, a lot of that came through my interests in fashion. Sharing my outfits was my way of connecting to an industry I so longed to be part of. Throughout the past year, I came to realise that whilst I still do deeply love fashion and love writing, I didn't love what I was 'blogging' about.
I'm still passionate about sharing my work online, it really allowed me to connect to so many different people and has opened me to new platforms. But as cheesy as it sounds, I'm not the same person I was three years ago, I've grown out of outfits posts. I want to share more of what really is me. Yes, fashion is a huge part of me but so is writing, photography, music, movies, documenting, its all a part of me. So whilst blogging has been incredible and I still will continue to post content online, I want to share more of whats really me.