Saturday, 23 June 2012

My Sister's Wardrobe

And I've just started to use this bag! It fits everything and matches all my outfits.. so me (:

Long time no see blog! Summer is finally here which means more posts are coming soon! I'm so excited to be back blogging! School's ended and I can't help feeling like I miss it so much.... LOL Jks Jks I don't miss it at all. So much has changed since the beginning of year; I've gone through junior prom, I've met some amazing people and I've starting summer internships soon. It's amazing how fast life has gone!


PS: I've decided to change my font to Times New Roman. You guys totally needed to know that.

Outer Shirt- Vintage Kenzo (thanks grandpa!)
Peter pan shirt- ZARA
Skirt- gift
Bag- Hiroshima
Sunglasses- Benson & Ashley (vintage)
Creepers- Office (!!!) more on them later

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