Extreme close up!
Gold Chain- DIY, Tie dye shirt- DIY, Jacket- HK boutique, Shorts- Thrifted DIY, Boots- Jeffrey Campbell Cutout Freda
Hello readers! I'm currently on Chinese New Year break and I'm really enjoying squeezing in precious hours of sleep. To all my readers, a belated Happy Chinese New Year! Better late than never :) Anyways, onto the main occasion, the shoes! It feels a bit selfish that I haven't shown you all my favourite pair of shoes, considering the amount of time they've spent in my closet. However, allow me to introduce to you my absolutely stunning, breath taking, makes-me-want-to-dance-all-day JEFFREY CAMPBERLL CUTOUT FREDA'S! That extra 6.5" do really make a difference. These beautiful creatures are courtesy of my lovely sister, who gave these back to me in winter of '12 as a birthday present. I have yet to wear them out but hopefully the new year will soon change that.
Now onto my 30 day/post song challenge!
Day/Post 6: A song that reminds you of somewhere
and the lucky number is..
'Electric Feel' by MGMT
Electric Feel has to be one of my favourite songs from MGMT. No kidding. Oracular Spectacular is practically amazing. For some reason, this song reminds me of the ocean waves and a forrest. No idea how but it somehow does. I think its because of the music video. Anyways, enjoy the song!
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