Sunday, 30 June 2013


All photos taken by me.

The PM part of day two in london consisted of visiting china town for a lunch and having the most expensive char siu fan ever, all the while witnessing 'land dragon boat racing'; racing off to Trafalgar where my attempts to climb the lion's were thwarted by the bars surrounding it; going off to see Let It Be!, a Beatles musical, which was highly entertaining and left me believing that my name was lucy and that I was indeed in the sky with diamonds; and finally to a quick walk around lovely covent garden in which many things were admired. I was amazed at all the things we managed to get done in a day and london was truly incredible.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


All photos are either from me or my dad.

Long time no see blog! As you may or may not know, I've just come back from London after spending just over a week there. And despite the various weather warnings, despite the five o'clock AM arrival, I was in complete and utter paradise. I've taken so many photos, that its ridiculous, so I've split it into separate posts. Here are a few photos from day two of london town; morning AM. Which mainly consisted of church at All Souls in the morning, parading around oxford circus and into topshop, visiting mum's old apartment, oogling at the architecture, then heading into Chinatown for lunch in which I had the most expensive char siu fan ever! So much to do, so little time. Special thanks to my dad, with whom none of this would be possible i.e waiting for me outside topshop, pointing out landmarks I would have missed and being my personal tour guide + best friend in general!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Here are a few snapshots I took on the flight from Hong Kong to London. I meant to post these ages ago but alas the procrastination bug has caught me! Isn't the sky above beautiful? I just want to curl up in the clouds.

Saturday, 15 June 2013


Good morning from London! As mentioned in my previous posts, I have arrived in london town and plan to head out very soon (t-30mins). Sorry for the short posts but I felt like an update was necessary (please don't ask why). Until then, watch this space for more drinking tea necessities.

Monday, 10 June 2013

TEENAGE SUICIDE (don't do it)

Please try to ignore the derpness (yes I know) of my face

Shawl and Bustier- Vintage (thanks momma!), Shorts- H&M, Shoes- Borrowed Jeffrey Campbell Foxy's from my sister

The weather in Hong Kong has just become painstakingly hot, and its not just hot, its humid as well. Being a born and bred Hong Konger, it seems odd that I should be complaining about such normal conditions, but hey, there is only so much a lass can take in.

Day 17: A song that you wish you heard on the radio

Teenage Suicide (don't do it)- Big Fun (Heather's soundtrack)

Let's face it, a Heathers shrine post was going to come up sooner or later. I've been on a bit of a Heathers rampage recently, more of a watching the movie when I really should be finishing my TOK work rather than lets poison Heather Chandler with bleach rampage. There are so many things I love about Heathers that I've made a list below:

  1. Young Winona Ryder- her hair, her wide eyes, her everything
  2. The clothing- 1985 at its very best
  3. That red scrunchie- I have one, albeit patterned, that I intend to wear and feel like so heather like.
  4. The language- Nothing beats Heathers.
  5. Young Christian Slater- For a psycho, he's one hell of a guy.
  6. Hair- the bigger, the better
  7. The completely non realistic murders that seem so realistic- Nuff said.
  8. The soundtrack- This is where my daily tune kicks in! For those of you who don't know much about Heathers, theres a song in it that everyone listens to on the radio and the song mirrors the film's events. Any guesses? Unfortunately, Big fun does not exists and the song was only made for the movie's premises. But still, I'd give anything to hear it on my radio.

PS: I've got exciting news! In 3 sleeps time, I will be jetting off to my 'third home', London! Cue in the marching bands.

Saturday, 8 June 2013


All photos from GQ

For those of you've who have been following me for a while, my slight excessive crush obsession on James Franco would be no surprise to you. I mean, would you look at the man. What an utter dreamboat. Check out the latest edition of GQ asap.