Long time no see blog! As you may or may not know, I've just come back from London after spending just over a week there. And despite the various weather warnings, despite the five o'clock AM arrival, I was in complete and utter paradise. I've taken so many photos, that its ridiculous, so I've split it into separate posts. Here are a few photos from day two of london town; morning AM. Which mainly consisted of church at All Souls in the morning, parading around oxford circus and into topshop, visiting mum's old apartment, oogling at the architecture, then heading into Chinatown for lunch in which I had the most expensive char siu fan ever! So much to do, so little time. Special thanks to my dad, with whom none of this would be possible i.e waiting for me outside topshop, pointing out landmarks I would have missed and being my personal tour guide + best friend in general!
Hey, I love your blog great work! Please come and have a look at mine, if you decide to follow me, Leave me a comment and I’ll follow you back :) XxX
Yeah, I'll be sure to check out your blog!
Thank you so much!!
I like your shoes a lot. You have a really nice blog ^-^ Would you like to follow each other on gfc? I shall follow you right now ^-^
- kat
I will check out your blog (: