Sunday, 29 December 2013


Leotard- Lazy Oaf, Boots- Monki, Skirt- HK boutique, Tights- Boots, Knee socks- H&M

Photos by Nicole

*Apologies for blurry/non sharp photos*

To put it simply, Christmas happened. And then promptly left. For some reason, Christmas really didn't feel very 'Christmas-y' this year. I'm not sure whether its because I was swarmed up in revision and only began holiday break 5 days before the actual event or the fact that Hong Kong didn't really feel festive, but somehow, Christmas felt really, dare I say, fast? In the flashes of flashes, it was there, then it was gone. Still, I hope you all managed to have a lovely time, whether it was on Bondi (hating all of you Southern Hemisphere lot), or, like me, shivering next to non-existent outdoor heating. Anyhow, one of the joys of Christmas is being thankful for what we receive. By this, I really just mean opening presents. And my sister graciously gifted me this leotard from Lazy Oaf *gasps* *screams* *faints* that not only is from Lazy Oaf, but also describes me in one word, Lazy. What a perfect Christmas gift.

30 day/post song challenge

Day/Post 28: Your favourite winter song

'Baby its cold outside' by anyone who sings it

Knock yourselves out on this old favourite.



1 comment:

  1. That leotard is so pretty and your legs look wonderful in those tights. Great look :)
